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It's been exactly a month since our date of departure.

I knew before leaving I wanted to open myself to the experience of a new culture. Upon review of our time in China, I spent a lot of time being immovable in my ideals. When I reflect I feel that I both failed and am victorious in this quest. I failed because I willed this entire nation of peoples, cultures and ideas to meet me where I was. This is an extremely ignorant, ego-centric and misguided view of how the world operates.

When we had our team building exercise prior to leaving we were asked to draw and pack a hypothetical suit case and fill it with things we would bring and things we would leave.I truly wish we had saved and carried this image with us as a constant reminder of the vows we took when we cultivated this concept.

I feel victorious because I was able to recognize that the feelings of disillusionment and fatigue I felt were a reaction directly linked to my beliefs and cultural expectations. When I looked around and saw the impovershed peoples of China my heart grew righteously indignant. I unfortunately wasn't strong or wise enough to react with compassion.

I purposefully wrote of the actual trip breifly and with little reflection because I wanted to truly capture what the time felt like to me. I felt rushed and that I was only recieving the travel-sized version of the pioneer nation. If I could do it again, I wouldn't have tried to fit so much into such a brief space of time. Instead, I would have made a choice about what I want to experience and commited myself to getting a more integrated adventure.

What I learned and will carry with me, is not only the insteresting places I can say I've seen, but the practical life experience. I can say "I've been outside of my nation and seen how other's live." First hand, I've witnessed the struggles and triumphs of another great nation which functions differently in it's fundamentals than my own.

What I've come to see is that indeed, nations are mirrors of the people who make them up. In the way that I wanted to help build my character based on my personal experiences, entire nations are doing the same. They look at countries which have progressed further and posibly represent wealth and freedom the way children look to their role models... The way my children look to me.

Proper words which would help convey my sense of honor for having been part of this adventure, escape me.

Thank you to my Squad: Valeria, Nick, Eddie, Monica, Luiz, Sam, Jacques, Kim, Pisey, and Paulina! I love you guys. You're truly amazing.

Thank you to my best friends, Rob and Mike, who helped me achieve this by recommending me and suporting my children while I was away.

Thank you to my two professors, Prescilla and Shelley, who are beautiful, strong and inspiring women.

Thank You to Dona Cady and the entire middlesex team who make this institution what it is.

I am so grateful.

Thank You

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